Flatirons Four Seasons
Flatirons Four Seasons, Boulder Mountain Parks, Colorado
The citizens of Boulder have long prized their cities' spectacular western skyline, particularly the uplifted sandstone formations known as the Flatirons. More than a century ago, in 1898, the city bought the Batchelder property for the use of the Chautauqua Association, whose original purpose was to provide refreshing summer-school classes for teachers. In 1967 Boulder became the first city in the nation to tax itself for the purpose of preserving open space. In the past, Chautauqua Meadow was used as pasture land, a golf course and a ski area complete with rope tow. Today, restored to its natural state, it offers classic views of the Flatirons. Other delightful views await visitors who hike the 130 miles of trails that crisscross 41,000 acres of open space and mountain parks. As a city resident since 1975, it's been my privilege to explore those trails year-round, seeking out the intersections of magical light and stunning subject matter that make for exceptional photographs. The views presented here are four of my favorite Flatirons images.